domingo, 25 de julho de 2010

July 24th Meeting

It's saturday morning and everyone is up early for another round of discussion and exchange of ideas for our upcoming GSE. Luckily, Derli catered cake (his wife baked it) and some Chimarrão ("matte" tea). Here's a nice picture:

Next week we'll take our official photographs for the folder and business cards. Let's all hope we can manage to look better then.

Everyone is really excited as this week we got news as to what our itinerary will be like. It seems we'll be arriving in Leeds after a mini-tour of Europe: we got layovers planned in Paris and Amsterdam before flying to LBA.

We also worked on our presentation. It's coming together. See if you can guess what Adriana is showing on her part of the slide-show that's got everyone's attention:

As always, our meeting ended with our English class. See here our teacher Barbara educating Derli:

quarta-feira, 21 de julho de 2010

Reunião 17 Julho 2010

Olá pessoal!!
Rumo à Inglaterra!!??
Todos preparados?? Então, mãos à obra!!
Fui designado pelo nosso líder Murilo para “estrear”o nosso blog e postar algumas informações a respeito dos preparativos para o nosso intercâmbio!! As imagens que estão sendo exibidas são da nossa última reunião, realizada no dia 17/julho na Escola de Idiomas Berlitz, há exatamente 60 dias que antecedem nosso embarque para à Inglaterra!! Na foto estão, da esquerda para a direita, Adriana, Thays, Murilo, Giovana e eu!! Todos nós estamos extremamente motivados e comprometidos com as atividades e preparativos, onde diga-se de passagens, estão de “vento em popa”!! Uniformes, logo, folder, cartões de visita, seguro de viagem, presentes, pins, tudo devidamente encaminhado e em andamento!! Estamos neste momento desenvolvendo a nossa apresentação para os Rotary Clubs e agendando as apresentações nos Clubes que nos indicaram!! Temos também uma foto onde aparece uma convidada especial, nossa Profa. de Inglês, Sra. Bárbara!! Todos os sábados nos reunimos na escola, antes das aulas de inglês, para tratarmos dos assuntos relativos a nossa viagem e posteriormente para a pratica do idioma!! Neste último sábado estava muito frio em Curitiba e, portanto, nada mais acolhedor do que um chimarrão!!
Fiquem atentos, pois a qualquer momento, aqui no Brasil e em breve na Inglaterra, mais notícias da "trupe"e da trip!!!
Forte Abraço!!
Derli Koefender

segunda-feira, 12 de julho de 2010

Get to know us!

GSE Leader: Murilo de Oliveira Schmitt

Murilo has been a Rotarian since 2009. He has worked for the State Government since 2003, in several positions. Since 2008, he has been the Head of the government's Development Agency, which operates as a financial institution offering support both to private enterprises and public insfrastructure projects. His family owns a brewery. Murilo graduated in Law and Economics and has an M.A. degree in Economics form McGill University, in Montréal. His free time is spent with his wife Daniela and their two children. His hobbies are reading and playing music and videogames.
GSE Member: Thays Maria Beleze Costa

Thays has been working as a journalist for the biggest television network in Brazil for ten years (Globo Network). She is currently responsible for editing and presenting the stations two newspapers, one of them in the morning and other at noon.
She graduated in Social Communication - Journalism and has post graduate degrees in organizational communication. She was born in Cascavel city in the west of Paraná State. Thays loves to spend her free time with family and likes to read and dance.
GSE Member: Giovana Biasi Locatelli

Giovana has been working for nine years as a lawyer in Curitiba/PR. She recently joined Nissan do Brasil Ltda. law department. At Nissan she is charged of providing legal opinions and administrating outsourced litigation on Marketing and Publicity, Car Dealer Networks, Taxes, Labor and Environmental issues.
She has post-graduate degrees in corporate and legal proceedings and a M.A. in Administrative Law. Giovana loves to spend her free time mostly on outdoor activities, going to the movies, theater and reading. Giovana also enjoys the company of her family and friends.
GSE Member: Adriana de Lourdes Simette

Adriana has been working as a judge for eleven years and during this period she has had the opportunity to be a professor at the Judiciary School and coordinator at the same institution. In her career, Adriana worked in several different magistracy areas such as criminal, juvenile, family, electoral and small claims court and at the present is in civil court.
She likes visit different countries and learn about their cultures and life styles and also to spend her free time with her husband visiting their families, watching movies, travelling, visiting museums, hiking, riding a bike and cooking (simple dishes).
GSE Member: Derli Koefender

Derli has been working for ten years as an Administrative and Financial Manager. He is currently responsible for the maintenance of 15 schools and 26 non-profit entities, where he is the Chief Financial Officer (CFO). He is member of the Supervisory Board of other companies in the group, such as Publishing Company and an University (PUCPR). He graduated in Administration, has a MBA in Finances, a MBA in Project Management and currently is a law student. His free time is spent with his wife and daughter. His hobbies are music, cinema, theatre, travel, dance, reading and cooking.